The Dominion of Spheres

Celestial organization in charge of maintaining the universe

The Dominion of Spheres is a clandestine, international organization dedicated to maintaining the integrity of the universe. The Dominion was founded in 607 CE by the Jade Emperor Guan Yu, and spent the next millenium spreading around the world, until all pre-existing pantheons had been incorporated under its umbrella. The main headquarters of the Dominion of Spheres is located in Luoyang, China, but smaller offices are found on all seven continents. The primary task of the Dominion of Spheres is to find and eliminate Fractures - areas of corrupted or damaged firmament. Other, secondary tasks include preventing rival factions from causing or exacerbating Fractures and keeping humanity safe from the consequences of Fractures.

Currently, the Dominion of Spheres is divided into seven departments:

According to management, the Dominion of Spheres operates under the blessings of the Celestials - Divine beings that formed at the beginning of time and dedicated themselves to repairing flaws in the universe. Celestials, other than very minor entities, are only rarely seen, and rather alien in thinking, making it difficult to interact with them.